Friday, 26 April 2013

Tudor Kitchen Garden (Sunshine and Showers)

Just a quick update on the Tudor kitchen garden. We've had glorious sunshine this week which is really doing the garden some good! The radishes are doing particularly well but I am pleased to report that seeds have germinated in every row. If this continues, there will be purple carrots, deer's tongue lettuce and giant turnips, fit for a Tudor (peasant's) banquet in the summer. I am going to plant the beans next week so will keep you posted.

Also, just to let you know that I will be coming on the Robert Elms' show on BBC London Radio (94.9fm) on Monday at around 1 o'clock to give an update on the garden. It's always great to catch up with Robert and St.John Stephen (who is the BBC's gardening expert). I would particularly like to get some tips from St.John on keeping the plants safe from slugs and snails. I have noticed a few holes in some of the radish leaves which are a bit worrying...

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